Friday, 5 July 2019

Postmortem Changes of Forensic Importance

In this content you will be able to understand the following aspects;

1. Define what is death
2. Mention & describe various postmortem changes
3. Explain the usefulness of postmortem changes in forensic practice
4. Explain the challenges of using the PM changes in resolving forensic issues

 Potential usefulness of postmortem changes

  • Possible interference with the body Estimation of postmortem interval
  • Possible interference with the body
  •  Indication of the cause of death

1968 edition of Blac’ks Law Dictionary: The cessation of life; the cessation of exist; defined by physicians as the total stoppage of the circulation of blood, and cessation of vital functions consequent thereon, such as respiration, pulsation, etc

Challenges from medical advances
 1. Advanced resuscitation techniques (CPR etc) capable of reviving of the many clinically dead

2. Advanced life-sustaining equipment capable of maintaining blood pressure, circulation and respiration in individuals with brain death

Developments necessitated revision of definition of death

 From cessation to irreversible cessation of respiratory and heart activity following modern resuscitation attempts.
Medicolegal Implications of Determination of Death 

1. The earliest determination of death for prompt harvesting of organs for transplantation purposes 

2. The legality of discontinuation life-supporting equipment 
3. The determination of the time of death in criminal and civil litigations

Factors Affecting Cooling
  • Initial body temperature
  • The body dimension
  •  The posture
  • Clothing and coverings
  • Ambient Temperature
  • Medium around the body

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